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What we offer

ASF is a Learning & Development Consultancy focussed on improving and enabling increased individual and team performance

S: Learning & Development
S: Coaching

Learning & Development

Learning and development works best as a co-created series of solutions. At ASF we work with our client partners in an agile and collaborative way to get to the outcomes you want.

How we work:

  • Working closely with you to identify gaps, challenges, and development needs - research and engagement, it’s as important as the solution

  • Designing tailor made programmes to enable new behaviours and ways of working

  • Sharing our experience, knowledge and best practice approaches

  • Enabling, motivating, changing and delivering all the things you might expect from an experienced,  knowledgeable and professional team

What we do:

  • Design bespoke learning solutions using blended learning approaches and differing modalities through to larger, modular programmes for distinct groups

  • Pilot, Refine, Roll Out, Evaluate

  • Deliver workshops in all variations and modalities 

  • Evaluating to define the next steps in the journey, i.e. immediate reactions, increased knowledge, changed behaviours and effect on performance

  • Provide ongoing consultancy to embed and evolve the learning


Our coaching centres on performance and leadership development, it’s powerful. Clients use it to enhance and embed their leadership skills and behaviours.  People also work with us for their own personal development needs and aspirations. In an ever changing world, coaching enables people to keep up with the pace of change and define a successful path to achieve their goals.

Our coaching supports and enables self-directed learning and is solutions focussed. In short we coach people to be the best they can be, by stretching and challenging their thinking with high levels of psychological safety being at the forefront of the relationship.

Coaching opportunities:

  • Promotion and leadership development

  • Career and talent development

  • Improving personal impact and influence

  • Relationship management

  • Understanding personal style


Our approach to coaching is:

  • Person centred

  • To offer a range of qualified coaches to build the right chemistry

  • Systematic and documented but coachee owned

  • To use varied methodologies which includes a wide range of psychometrics

S: Facilitation
S: L&D Consultancy


L&D Consultancy

Helping teams to work towards a desired end goal


How we work:

  • Literally, facilitation means making things easy. We use a range of skills and methods to bring out the best result, making it easy

  • Understanding and managing group dynamics using a range of team tools and techniques

  • Exploring strengths, preferences, stakeholder and inter-team relationships and how to create common purpose between those involved

  • Provide facilitators who are experienced, motivated, creative, fun and outcomes focussed

We are a small team working with a wide range of talented associates with a variety of different specialisms and skills.

Typical areas of work are:

  • Provision of a full range of design and development from smaller ad hoc requests to multi-faceted global programmes using the latest digital methodologies and approaches

  • Talent development from programme design to learning solutions

  • Learning solutions strategy scoping and design

  • Scoping L&D strategy through to delivery

  • Advisory and guidance

  • Learning events

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