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Learning and Talent Development





British Business Bank


Local Government

Finance and Banking

Just Eat

We work in partnership with Hemsley Fraser providing learning consultancy services for a range of clients in:

Other clients include or have included:

Gas and Oil


Pharma and Life Sciences


University of Sheffield

Canterbury Christchurch University

H: Clients
H: About


ASF Development was established in 1999. The 2 partners, Andrea Spence-Ferguson and Tina Emerson work with a wide range of associates and experts to provide the services outlined on this website.

As experienced consultants we can turn our skills and experience to the majority of areas central to peoples’ learning, development, growth and change.

What we are:

- Qualified coaches working at most levels within organisations

- Leadership specialists working with mid-career, early career and technical specialists

- Facilitators working with groups to find their optimum solution

- Designers of bespoke programmes to enable new behaviours and ways of

working aligned to the values and culture of the organisation

- Sharers of knowledge, experience and best practices


H: Contact

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